![]() Abortion is intentionally ending a pregnancy. Common Reasons Given for Abortion Muslim women and girls often struggle to make a decision about having an abortion because of their faith or due to other external pressures. Some common reasons for not wanting to keep the baby may include:
Islamic Position on Abortion The Quran is silent on the issue of abortion. However, most Muslim scholars conclude that abortion is unlawful except in some circumstances providing it is carried out within certain time limits. There is difference of opinion amongst scholars regarding under which circumstances abortion is allowed. There is also a difference of opinion about the time limits within which abortion is allowed. This varies from 40 days (about 6 weeks) to 120 days (about 4 months) from conception. This difference of opinion is based on when scholars think the soul enters the embryo. Even within each school of Islamic thought there is disagreement on abortion and in which circumstances it is allowed. For example, many may only consider it being allowed if it poses danger to the mother's physical health. However, some moderate scholars may also consider a mother's mental health. Where to Get Help and Support on Abortion Under The Abortion Act 1967, abortions can only be carried out in a hospital or a specialist licensed clinic. You can search for organisations below that provide abortion services including counselling. However, if you want to have an abortion through the NHS, you'll usually need to be referred to a specialist service that deals with abortion. You can ask your GP to refer you or you can go to your local family planning clinic or genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinic. You can search for the nearest sexual health clinic here. Methods of Abortion There are different methods of abortion depending on the stage of the pregnancy (how many weeks pregnant you are):
We do not impose our personal or religious views on abortion. We therefore do not encourage nor discourage an abortion because the reasons why women and girls may want to end a pregnancy can vary widely depending on their personal circumstances. It is important women and girls make this big decision without external pressure from us or anybody else. However, we can help by listening to you while you talk through your feelings. We can provide relevant information that may help to inform your own decision and tell you about other organisations that can help you. |
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