Our staff and volunteers are highly trained. When they are initially recruited, they have to undergo intense training on all of the issues that are covered on the helpline. This training is spread of several weeks. Once the training is complete, Helpline staff and volunteers are supervised, which includes senior staff listening to how calls are handled. Once the probation period is passed, staff and volunteers receive regular feedback and appraisals to ensure high standards are continuously met. Case discussions during daily debriefs and regular team meetings also provides learning.
All staff receive internal and external independent safeguarding training. This training is refreshed on an ongoing basis as we learn from new complex cases. We have robust safeguarding processes in place which have been audited independently by Imkaan. Regular safeguarding meetings also take place to review cases. Further information about our safeguarding can be found here

Safeguarding checks, audit and training

DBS Checks
All our MWN Helpline staff and volunteers have a DBS check to ensure we continue to safeguard vulnerable adults and children.

MWNUK, which operates the helpline has been audited by Imkaan (a specialist violence against women and girls organisation) and has been approved as meeting the standards set by its‘Imkaan Safe Minimum Practice Standards (SMPS).'This means that as a Muslim women’s organisation, the work MWNUK does will be of a high quality and standard.

MWNUK has completed the following SafeCIC courses on safeguarding children and adults:
- Standard Child Safeguarding Course
- Standard Adult Safeguarding Course
- Advanced Child Safeguarding Course
- Advanced Adult Safeguarding Course
This means all our MWN helpline staff are experienced and trained to manage safeguarding concerns and follow the MWNUK safeguarding policy as well as SafeCIC training. We are also in compliance with the latest legislation, government guidance and local safeguarding Children’s Partnerships Board. The courses also met the training requirements of the Care Quality Commission (CQC).